Ideas for A Modern Declaration of Intent & The Group Vow in 2024

Your wedding ceremony is the heart of your special day. It's the moment when you and your partner declare your love and commitment to each other in front of your family and friends. And while there are many traditions and rituals that you can incorporate into your ceremony, it's important to make sure that it reflects who you are as a couple. That's where the Declaration of Intent and the modern-day Group Vow come in.
Table of Contents
  1. Intro

Your wedding ceremony serves as the emotional core of your special day, a moment when you and your partner declare your love and commitment surrounded by family and friends. And while there are many traditions and rituals that you can incorporate into your ceremony, it's important to make sure that it reflects who you are as a couple. That's where the Declaration of Intent and the modern-day Group Vow come in.

What is the Declaration of Intent?

The Declaration of Intent is a statement made by the couple during the wedding ceremony in which they declare their intention to marry each other. Traditionally, this statement begins with the officiant asking the couple if they come freely and without reservation to give themselves to each other in marriage. The couple then responds with a simple "I do."

While the Declaration of Intent may seem like a simple formality, it's actually a very important part of the ceremony - and legally required. It's the moment when you and your partner publicly declare your commitment to each other, and it sets the tone for the rest of the ceremony. It's a powerful statement that reminds everyone present that this is a solemn and meaningful occasion.

How can you make the Declaration of Intent more personal?

While the traditional wording of the Declaration of Intent is beautiful and meaningful, it may not feel personal enough for some couples. If you want to make the Declaration of Intent more personal, there are many ways to do so.

One way is to add a personal touch to the traditional wording. For example, you could add a sentence that reflects your personal values or beliefs. Or you could add a line that expresses why you want to marry your partner. The Provenance Ceremony Builder has many versions of the declaration of intent that you can use to inspire your own.

Ultimately, the goal is to make the Declaration of Intent feel like it truly represents who you are as a couple. By doing so, you'll create a more meaningful and memorable ceremony.

What comes first the Declaration of Intent or the personal Vows?

With the rising number of couples writing their personal vows, many want to know where the Declaration of Intent and their personal vows go in the ceremony. While there is no mandatory order of a ceremony, many follow a rough guideline for the wedding ceremony order: Welcome/Processional, Officiant Remarks, Readings & Rituals, Personal Vows, Declaration of Intent, Ring Exchange, and then the Pronouncement.

What is the "Group Vow"?

The modern-day Group Vow is a new trend in wedding ceremonies that involves the entire wedding party. Rather than just the couple making vows to each other, everyone present is invited to make a vow of support and love for the couple.

During the Modern-Day Group Vow, the officiant asks everyone present to stand and make a vow of support for the couple. This could be something as simple as saying "We promise to love and support this couple in their marriage." Everyone then responds with a resounding "We do!"

The Modern-Day Group Vow is a powerful way to involve everyone in the ceremony and to create a sense of community and support for the couple. It also reinforces the idea that marriage is not just a union between two people, but a union between families and friends.

How can you incorporate the Modern-Day Group Vow into your ceremony?

If you're interested in incorporating the Modern-Day Group Vow into your ceremony, there are a few ways to do so. Here are some ideas:

  • Have the Modern-Day Group Vow take place immediately after the Declaration of Intent. This allows everyone to declare their support for the couple right from the start of the ceremony (example below)
  • If you have a smaller wedding party, you could invite everyone to come forward and stand in a circle around the couple for the Modern-Day Group Vow.
  • Consider having a sign or program that explains the Modern-Day Group Vow and what it means. This can help everyone feel more comfortable participating.

3 Examples of a Modern Group Vow Script

This is an existing option that can easily be selected for your wedding script when using the Ceremony Builder.

Traditionally delivered as a ‘repeat after me’ between the officiant and the partners, with each repeating the declaration while placing a ring on the other’s finger.

Modern Group Vow Script | Example 1

[Officiant with [PARTNER 1] repeating while placing a ring on the other’s finger:]

With my whole heart, I take you as my partner,

acknowledging your strengths and accepting your faults, as you do mine

I will be yours in plenty and in want,

in sickness and in health,

in joy and in sorrow,

in failure and in triumph.

I promise to be faithful and supportive and to make our love and happiness a priority.

You are my person, my love and my life, today and always.

Officiant: Do you, [PARTNER 1], take [PARTNER 2] to be your lawfully wedded [wife/husband/partner/other], your constant friend and partner in all the adventures that life has in store for you?

[PARTNER 1]: I do.

[Officiant with [PARTNER 2] repeating while placing a ring on the other’s finger:]

With my whole heart, I take you as my partner,

acknowledging your strengths and accepting your faults, as you do mine

I will be yours in plenty and in want,

in sickness and in health,

in joy and in sorrow,

in failure and in triumph.

I promise to be faithful and supportive and to make our love and happiness a priority.

You are my person, my love and my life, today and always.

Officiant: Do you, [PARTNER 2], take [PARTNER 1]to be your lawfully wedded [wife/husband/partner/other], your constant friend and partner in all the adventures that life has in store for you?

[PARTNER 2]: I do.

[Officiant walks to the side]

[PARTNER 1] and [PARTNER 2] have declared their intent of commitment to one another, as witnessed by all of us. But we, their community of friends and family, are invited parties to this commitment and thus have a responsibility to this couple. And so...

Do you who are present here today vow to surround [PARTNER 1] and [PARTNER 2] in love, to contribute to this new community, and to support them in their marriage?

[Audience]: We do!

Modern Group Vow Script | Example 2

Officiant: Marriage is not just a union between two individuals; it is a merging of families and friends. Today, we invite everyone to actively participate in this celebration of love.

Officiant to the audience: If you are ready to pledge your support, please stand.

Officiant:As [PARTNER 1] and [PARTNER 2] embark on this journey together, will you, their cherished community, promise to stand by them, to celebrate their joys, and to lend a helping hand during challenging times?

Audience:We will!

Officiant:Your shared commitment adds depth and richness to the bonds of marriage. Thank you for being an integral part of this special day.

Modern Group Vow Script | Example 3

Note: This one will take some coordination, so make sure to think through logistics - it would be easiest to do with a smaller wedding.

Officiant: Like your rings, the symbol of a circle is powerful – unbroken and infinite. Today, we invite everyone to form a circle around [PARTNER 1] and [PARTNER 2], symbolizing the unity of their love with the support of those gathered.

Officiant to the audience: Please join hands and create a circle around the couple.

Officiant:Within this circle, we are not just witnesses but active participants. Will you pledge your ongoing support, love, and encouragement to [PARTNER 1] and [PARTNER 2]?

Circle responds together: We do!

Officiant: As this circle is infinite, may your love remain infinite, surrounded by the strength of those who cherish you.

Your wedding ceremony is a celebration of your love and commitment to each other, and it should reflect who you are as a couple. The Declaration of Intent and the Modern Group Vow are two great ways to personalize your ceremony and make it more meaningful.

Whether you choose to write your own vows, add a personal touch to the traditional wording of the Declaration of Intent, or incorporate the Group Vow into your ceremony, the goal is to make your ceremony feel authentic and heartfelt. By doing so, you'll create a ceremony that you and your guests will always remember.

At, we understand the importance of creating a personalized wedding ceremony that reflects who you are as a couple. That's why we offer a suite of digital tools to help you design meaningful and personalized wedding ceremonies, vows, and toasts. Our Ceremony Designer, Vow Builder, and Toast Builder are all designed to help you create a ceremony that is unique and memorable.

So why not try out our digital tools and start designing your perfect wedding ceremony today? Your special day deserves a ceremony that is as unique and special as your love for each other.


1. Is the Declaration of Intent a legal requirement for a wedding ceremony?

Yes, the Declaration of Intent is a legal requirement for a wedding ceremony in most states in the United States.

2. Can we write our own Declaration of Intent?

Yes, many couples choose to write their own Declaration of Intent to make it more personal and meaningful. You just have to make sure you include the wording needed to make it legal.

3. Do we have to include the Modern-Day Group Vow in our ceremony?

No, the Modern-Day Group Vow is a new trend in wedding ceremonies, and it's entirely optional. It's up to you to decide if you want to incorporate it into your ceremony.

4. How else can we personalize our wedding ceremony? offers a suite of digital tools to help you design a personalized wedding ceremony. Our Ceremony Designer, Vow Builder, and Toast Builder are all designed to help you create a ceremony that reflects who you are as a couple.

Your wedding ceremony is the heart of your special day. It's the moment when you and your partner declare your love and commitment to each other in front of your family and friends. And while there are many traditions and rituals that you can incorporate into your ceremony, it's important to make sure that it reflects who you are as a couple. That's where the Declaration of Intent and the modern-day Group Vow come in.
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